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Frank Fuller
Stepaside, The Square,

Tel: 01726 884632
Mobile: 07857 980004


Article archive

Behind Savannah's Eyes

12/12/2012 20:23
    Lisa Nicholls set up “Behind Savannah's Eyes”. Lisa is the mother of five-year-old Savannah, who was diagnosed with a rare form of leukaemia at the age of three months. After going into a coma during her treatment Savannah, has suffered a number of seizures in the past 18...

Saturday Night at St. Agnes

17/07/2012 13:23
Many thanks to Jennifer and her colleagues and friends for a very warm welcome. I thouroghly enjoyed the show and hope that we can work together again some time. A special thanks to Natalie at the Bistro for the help and care.

Mullion Golf Club

22/06/2012 19:42
I'm looking forward to visiting Mullion Golf Club for the first time. I will be there in September for a show.

Private Party

22/06/2012 19:41
Thanks to Jennifer for inviting me to entertain at her work's Spring Do! 

Hendra Holiday park

13/04/2012 18:35
Thanks to Hendra for a great night on Thursday 12th. A great venue with very professional staff and a brilliant holiday atmosphere. It was a real pleasure to present the show there and thanks to Emma for doing the music. I look forward to working with you again.

Summer in Newquay

20/02/2012 14:08
I have been asked to appear at the Hendra Holiday Park in Newquay this Easter and throughout the Summer. The first show will be on 12th. April at 11p.m.


28/11/2011 08:21
A great show thanks very much. Everyone had a really good time and our bar takings were fantastic. many have already asked us to book you again. See you soon. Ken

Xmas shows

10/10/2011 09:36
If you are thinking of booking a Christmas party I suggest that you get in quick as dates are going.


17/09/2011 08:51
My thanks once more to Lyn and Joe at Tragoad for their organisational skills and to Clare for her support on the night. I do love coming to Tregoad and there is always something memorable to take away with me. Thanks again guys.

Goldwing Convention

16/09/2011 17:06
Taking the show back to Tragoad Park on the 16th September for a Honda Goldwin gathering. Should be a good one and I'm really looking forward to it.
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